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Andy Grammer Second Single Elimination Game!

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Andy Grammer Second Single Elimination Game! Empty Andy Grammer Second Single Elimination Game!

Post by Anthony Thu May 12, 2011 10:44 pm

Okay so the rules are simple. We take all the songs that weren't selected as singles & list them. Each song starts out with 10 points. So once a day, you vote for the song you want to be the next single, giving it one point, & take the song you don't want to be the next single, & take a point away from it. You can only vote once a day, please don't cheat & ruin it for everyone! It's set up like this:

Miss Me - 10
Ladies - 10
Fine By Me - 10
You Should Know Better - 9
Build Me A Girl - 10
Pocket - 10
Biggest Man in Los Angeles - 10
Let You Go (Love Love Love) - 9 (-)
Lunatic - 8 (+2)

Eliminated: 1

So I already voted but basically just copy and paste that list and vote! I will tally them up at the end, may the best song win!

- I would have included slow but we haven't heard that song yet -

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Join date : 2011-04-11
Age : 32
Location : Ohio

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