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Andy Grammer Nation
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submit your Fan Mail for Andy! The "Dear Andy" Project

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submit your Fan Mail for Andy! The "Dear Andy" Project Empty submit your Fan Mail for Andy! The "Dear Andy" Project

Post by Anthony Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:59 am

EDIT* Thanks to Maria for helping me come up with that name!

Hey have something you want to tell Andy but have never been given the chance because you weren't able to meet him or maybe were so excited to meet him that all you could do was squeal? Well, we have a solution for that. It's called the Dear Andy Project. Submit your fan mail to - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] with the subject line of Dear Andy Project followed by your name. Make sure to tell us that you give us permission to use your letter for the fan book. submissions need to be in by September 6, 2011 for when I see him on the 12th.This is just one more way that Andy Grammer Nation is bringing you closer to Andy Grammer Smile. Thank you everyone! Read below for more information on submitting pictures.

Please write this in the form of a word document or if you have a mac pages. If you would like to add pictures, make sure they are already copied into the document because it will be too hard to print out separate things with attachments over e-mail. Thanks everyone! Smile

Posts : 301
Join date : 2011-04-11
Age : 32
Location : Ohio

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